
Your Meter Going Backwards

Meter Going Backward

2000 W. Madison Ave. Montebello
6,000 Watt PV Solar Power System

Installed a 6,000 watt Solar Panel system and our electric power bill went from $350 per month  to just $1.33!

Current Time Tick 2018-08-06 19:12:30 with 108.1 Watts of electricity being generated at this moment.
Total power generated TODAY is: 32.7 kWH. Total Power generated to date is: 5254 KWH

Inverter Details

XXXXXXXXXX142200365037187U.1.2Growatt Inverter2018-04-24 18:30:2900


Daliy Solar Power Generation Chart. Associated Community Solar SciencesWeekly Solar Power Generation Chart. Associated Community Solar Sciences